Shamanic Divination
This is a visionary practice that has been developed for centuries in the indigenous communities of Abya Yala (Americas). The Akutu enters into a non-ordinary state of consciousness to get the help of her compassionate spirit guides to bring the answers to the questions requested by the person. Using a shamanic tool, the answer starts to unfold, sparking a conversation that evolves into a spiritual counseling, dictated by the compassionate spirit helpers. The answer usually leads to other questions that will resolve the divination quest.
The Session
You bring a question for divination to the session where we will sit and face each other. Akutu Irka, listening to her compassionate spirit guides, will elaborate on the answers, and engage in spiritual counseling to get at the root of your inquiry.
This session lasts 1 hour and 15 minutes, and 1 hour and 30 minutes in person.
At Sacred Taino Healing, we are deeply committed to keeping our offerings as accessible as possible. That’s why, to better serve our community, we’ve made some adjustments to our sliding-scale pricing. This approach allows you to select a tier that aligns with your circumstances while supporting the balance of accessibility and sustainability.
We kindly ask that you take a moment to carefully review the three tiers before completing your purchase:
Tier 3: I have a stable home situation, reliable transportation, steady employment or self-employment, and the financial freedom to cover my needs and make necessary purchases.
Tier 2: I can comfortably provide my essential needs. I live comfortably with stable housing, reliable transportation, and some expendable income. If needed, I could rely on financial support from family or friends.
Tier 1: I work hard but often struggle to meet basic needs and don’t consistently achieve them, with little to no expendable income or financial support from family or friends.
In Person:
Tier 3: Minimum fee for a 90-min consult: $250
Tier 2: Minimum fee for a 90-min consult: $200
Tier 1: Minimum fee for a 90-min consult: $150
Tier 3: Minimum fee for a 75-min consult: $225
Tier 2: Minimum fee for a 75-min consult: $175
Tier 3: Minimum fee for a 75-min consult: $125
By selecting the tier that best reflects your situation, you’re helping us ensure these offerings remain accessible to those who need them most while also fairly compensating the individuals who bring them to life.
If you’re in a position to contribute more at checkout, your generosity will directly support our efforts to make these resources available to all. If you need to additional accommodations with pricing, please email Kristina at ceremoniessacredtainohealing@gmail.com.
Payment plans available for remote and in person sessions through Shopify installment plans.
If you have any questions or need assistance with booking, please reach out to Kristina at ceremoniessacredtainohealing@gmail.com.
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